Troubleshooting Home Designer Installation Issues

Reference Number: KB-00108
Last Modified: June 24, 2024

The information in this article applies to:

Home Designer Professional or Home Designer Architectural or HomeDesigner Suite


I'm having trouble installing Home Designer. What steps can I take to resolve the problem?

Note: Before proceeding, first check to ensure that the version of the software that you are trying to install is compatible with the operating system that you are attempting to install it on to, and that it also meets the minimum system requirements. Please see the Related Articles section below for more information.

To install software, you must be logged into the system as a user with sufficient privileges. Please contact your network administrator if you are unsure about your user rights/privileges.


If your computer meets the minimum system requirements, then most other installation problems are caused by interference from other programs or services running in the background. Often, these programs or services are factory installed and can cause install problems even on new computers.

In these cases, we recommend performing a Clean/Safe Boot of your system, and once the program is installed successfully, restart the system in its normal configuration.

For instructions on performing a clean/safe boot of your system, please see the appropriate article below for your particular operating system.

To perform a clean/safe boot

If you're receiving an error message with regards to the installation, please search this online Knowledge Base for that message, as there may be a separate article that specifically addresses it.

If there is not a Knowledge Base article on the error you receive, either take a screenshot, or record its exact wording, so that Chief Architect Technical Support can best assist you.

If you continue to experience difficulty with installing the Home Designer software, then please contact us to continue troubleshooting while you're at the system experiencing the issue.