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Where do the materials on the materials list come from in Home Designer Pro?
In this article, you will learn some of the places where materials are configured, and how to create a materials list for quantity and cost estimation.
The materials list will only be as accurate as the model you have created. The more accurate and detailed your model, the more accurate the estimation will be.
The materials list is based on certain assumptions which may or may not match your building style. Chief Architect Inc. makes no representation as to the accuracy or reliability of the materials list generated by Chief Architect or Home Designer.
Always compare the materials list with a manual take off before providing a quote or ordering material for a job.
In the example below, we will generate a basic quantity estimation based on a single four-walled room with 20 foot walls on each side.
You can modify most all of the Value fields listed on the Components panel. To learn more about this dialog panel, select the Help button at the bottom.
Now let's look more closely at framing.
After you have examined wall materials and framing, take a look at room materials.
These are only some of the important materials. Other designs will likely include roofing, windows, doors, cabinets, and other objects. For this simple design, however, you've seen where the materials can be set, so now it's time to do a quantity estimation.
To close the materials list, select File> Close View. You will be prompted to save it. Using saved materials lists, you can create quantity and cost estimations for various stages of your project, or you can create estimates for small subsections of the design for remodeling purposes. For now, specify a name, then click Save to close the materials list.
Every saved materials list is a saved snapshot of the current state of the design. If you save the materials list and make changes to the design, you will need to regenerate a new materials list; the previously saved materials list will not update.
Home Designer Pro also maintains a master list of materials that can be used with all of your plans. Here, you can store pricing, suppliers, manufacturers, descriptions and other useful information for use with materials lists you create in any plan.
The master list can be accessed by selecting Tools> Materials List> Master List .
To add line items to a master list, first start by opening a materials list. You can access a saved materials list by navigating to Tools> Materials List> Materials List Management from the menu, then selecting the Edit button. With the materials list now open, click on a row number for the line item that you would like to add, then select the Update to Master
edit button or navigate to Tools> Update to Master
You can update a line item to use the information from your master list by clicking on the desired row number, then selecting the Update from Master edit button or by navigating to Tools> Update from Master
For additional information on the master list, navigate to Help> Launch Help, then search for: the master list.