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I am having trouble selecting a room in my plan. What might be the cause, and how do I fix the issue?
There are several reasons why you may experience trouble with selecting a room in your plan, including:
In Home Designer, room definition is established when a room is completely enclosed by walls, so the most common reason for being unable to select a room is if you have left a gap between walls, such as for an opening or doorway. To be recognized as a room by the Home Designer software, a room must have an unbroken perimeter.
Individual walls and railings can be marked as "No Room Definition" on the General panel of their Wall Specification dialog. Some walls, such as automatically generated Attic walls which are typically created above Full Gable Walls, will have "No Room Definition" selected by default, and cannot be used to create room definition until this checkbox is deselected.
If you do not think you have left a gap in between the walls, and you have checked every wall and made sure that they do not have No Room Definition selected, then you may have a bad wall connection. Often if this is the root cause, the entire Exterior Room will highlight, you may have a broken wall icon following your mouse cursor, and/or you may see a yellow warning triangles pointing out where the unconnected wall(s) are located, as shown in the image below.
Alternately, you may notice wall connections that look incorrect without the warning triangle, particularly if three or more walls are connected to one another, or in a curved wall connection situation.
If you're using Home Designer Pro and you have not left any gaps, visually do not see any incorrect wall connections, and cannot select any rooms at all in your plan, then you may have locked the Rooms layer in your plan.
If you're using Home Designer Architectural or Home Designer Suite, please submit the plan file to our Technical Support team using the Technical Support Center. More information on submitting your plan can be found in the Related Articles section below.
*Applies to Home Designer Pro Only
If you are still unable to resolve the issue following these steps, please submit the plan file to our Technical Support team using the Technical Support Center, as discussed in the Related Articles section below.