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How can I show where the shadows fall in a floor plan view?
A Sun Angle line is a marker that displays in floor plan view and indicates the angle of the sun at a specific time and location on the Earth. By placing a Sun Angle line, you can create a shadow to be displayed by a building both on floor plan and in rendered views.
If no Terrain Perimeter has been created, shadows fall on an imaginary plane at a height of 0", the default height for the first floor
If a Terrain Perimeter exists, shadows are modified to indicate where the real shadow would fall on the actual terrain.
Multiple Sun Angles can be placed in the same plan. This allows the simultaneous display of shadows cast at different times in floor plan view, however, only one will display in camera views.
You can specify different line colors and/or fill styles for shadows cast by multiple Sun Angles in the Sun Angle Specification dialog.
When rendering an exterior view, the program looks for any Sun Angles that are turned on in order to determine lighting and shadow generation; a Sun Angle's light data and shadow can be toggled in the Sun Angle Specification dialog. If a Sun Angle does not exist, the programs uses the Generic Sun. For more information on adjusting sunlight, please see the Related Articles section below.
The sunlight can be toggled on and off by using 3D> Lighting> Toggle Sunlight .
3D> Lighting> Adjust Sunlight allows you to control the display of either the Generic Sun or the current Sun Angle as a source of light.
If shadows are not being displayed, select the appropriate Sun Angle, click the Open Object edit button, and on the Lighting Data panel of the Sun Angle Specification dialog, make sure that Casts Shadows is checked.