Once your stairs are in place and sized appropriately, you can use the Flare/Curve Stair edit tool to modify them.
To create flared or curved stairs
Select Build> Stairs> Straight Stairs. Once you have selected Straight Stairs from the menu, click and drag in your plan to create the stairs.
Use the Select Objects tool to select the stairs, and use the edit handles to resize them.
A handle on each edge allows you to resize the stairs width.
The Move handle in the center allows you to relocate the stairs.
The triangular Rotate handle lets you rotate the stairs in 15° increments.
The Resize handles at each end allow you to lengthen or shorten the stair segment.
Once the stairs are sized and positioned as you want them, select the stair again and you can click on the Flare/Curve Stairs edit tool to see additional edit handles display.
The handles that display at each corner are to Flare the treads.
The small triangular handles along the edges of the staircase are to adjust the flare radius.
The handles located in the middle of the stair allow you to control the beginning point of the flare.
The small triangular handles at the top and bottom of the stair are used to curve the stair treads.