Creating Rounded Wall Corners

Reference Number: KB-01008
Last Modified: August 26, 2021

The information in this article appliesto:

Home Designer Professional or Home Designer Architectural or HomeDesigner Suite


I would like to create curved, rounded, or bullnose wall corners. How can I do this?

Rounded wall corner in a bedroom


Rounded and bullnose wall corners are easy to create in Home Designer by using small wall segments of curved walls where two straight walls join.

To create rounded corners

  1. First, Zoom In on the wall connection that you want to change from a 90° corner to a rounded corner.

    Zoomed in on right angle walls to turn into a rounded wall corner

  2. With the Select Objects  tool, select the wall you'd like to break into two segments, click on the Add Break Break tool icon edit button found in the Edit toolbar, then click to place a break on the side of the wall where the curved section will start or end. 

    Breaking one wall near the corner in order to remove that section

  3. Using the Select Objects tool, select the smaller broken wall segment and Delete  it.

    Deleted the short broken wall segment

  4. Follow steps 2 and 3 to remove the second unnecessary wall segment.

    Broke the second wall and deleted the small wall segment in the corner

  5. Select Build> Wall> Curved Interior Wall or Curved Exterior Wall  and draw a small curved wall segment in between the two walls.

    Added a curved wall in the corner

  6. If necessary, use the small triangular reshape handle to change the length and location of the center without moving the endpoints.

    Adjusted the curved wall to how it needed to be

  7. Take a Camera view to see your results.