Drawing Stairs Connected to a Deck or Porch

Reference Number: KB-00578
Last Modified: July 21, 2021

The information in this article applies to:

Home Designer Professional or Home Designer Architectural or HomeDesigner Suite


I need to create stairs that go from my deck and porch down to the ground. How do I do this?  

Camera views of house with deck and stairs from deck to terrain


When you draw stairs in a Home Designer program, you normally begin on the current floor and draw in an upward direction. The program seeks the exact height of the floor above and snaps the stairs to that height if at all possible. It produces stairs with consistent treads and risers in the process.

When you need stairs from a floor platform to the ground use the Straight Stairs tool.

To draw stairs using the Straight Stairs tool

  1. Select Build> Stairs> Straight Stairs  from the menu. 

  2. Click at the lower level within a few feet of where the floor levels change.

    Floor plan view showing a deck with stairs being placed on outside edge of deck

    You now have stairs that go downwards instead of upwards.