Troubleshooting Library Download Issues

Reference Number: KB-02772
Last Modified: July 15, 2024

The information in this article applies to:

Chief Architect Premier or Chief Architect InteriorsHome Designer Professional or Home Designer Architectural or Home Designer Suite


I am having trouble downloading library catalogs, and I receive one of the following messages:

  • "Part of the catalog download/update has timed out. Please check your network connection and security settings. If connecting via wireless, try plugging directly into modem/router and then downloading again. Would you like to try downloading again?"

  • "Security software or a firewall is blocking the program from accessing the catalog download server. Please re-configure and try downloading the catalog again."

  • "The catalog download/update completed with one or more errors. Would you like to try downloading again?"

  • "The catalog download/update completed with one or more errors. This could be caused by internet connectivity, firewall settings, etc. Would you like to try downloading again?"

  • "The catalog could not be found on the server."

Why is this occurring?


If you encounter one of these messages, one of these is likely to be the cause:

  • You may not be connected to the internet or the connection is intermittent. Please check your internet connection, then retry the download process by navigating to Library> Install Core Content from the menu.

  • Your network may have permissions for a firewall or proxy server which is blocking the download. If this is the case, you may need to whitelist our site domains. For more information on this, please see our webpage: Chief Architect Access Endpoints. If you're on a Mac, you will also want to add the Chief Architect. program as a firewall exception. Please see the "Adding a Firewall Exception on a Mac" resource in the Related Articles section to learn more.

  • You may be using a newer version in which the currently installed catalogs could not be updated due to a mismatched catalog ID. Please refer to the "Message: Catalog Could Not Be Found On The Server." resource in the Related Articles section below.

If you're having trouble downloading the core catalogs, you can manually download and install the files for your specific product, or install them from the program's backup media, if purchased using the instructions below.

To download and manually install the core catalogs

Please select the link that coincides with the Chief Architect product you're using:

If you have physical backup media such as a DVD disk or a USB Flash drive, you can also install the core catalogs directly from the media. Please see the "Installing Library Content from Physical Media" resource in the Related Articles section for more details.

If you'd like to purchase physical backup media, please contact our Customer Service team directly.


  1. Exit out of the Chief Architect or Home Designer program completely.

  2. Open Windows Explorer or Finder, navigate into the Documents directory, then open the program's data folder.

    For example, the data folder for Chief Architect X16 would be named: Chief Architect Premier X16 Data

  3. Inside of your program's data folder, open the Database Libraries subfolder and locate the errors.log file. 

  4. Compress the errors.log file:

    • On Windows, right-click on the errors.log file and select Send to> Compressed (zipped) folder.

    • On macOS, right-click on the errors.log file and select Compress "errors.log"

      On a Mac, hold down the Control key while clicking to initiate a right-click command. More information about right-click commands on Apple input devices can be found in the following Apple resource: Right-click on Mac.

  5. Attach the file to a new support case in the Technical Support Center. For more information on how to use the Technical Support Center, please see the Related Articles section below.