Importing, Exporting, and Printing

Print documents or create PDFs, import custom 3D objects, export 360 panoramas and 3D Viewer models.

Title / Description


5:35 Exporting and Sharing 360 Panorama Images

Exporting and Sharing 360 Panorama Images

Create 360° panorama images, export them to your cloud account, and share direct web links of your designs with other people.

Video No. 2510


1:16 Using Custom Watermarks

Using Custom Watermarks

Use the Watermark feature to help control your work

Video No. 2512


6:22 Printing Views

Printing Views

Learn about using the Print and Print Image dialogs to specify page size & scaling.

Video No. 2294


7:59 Printing in Home Designer Pro

Printing in Home Designer Pro

See the additional print options available in Home Designer Pro, like Check Plot, Height/Width Correction and Print in Color.

Video No. 2295


9:50 Layouts


Create that professional blueprint document with Home Designer Pro's layout sheet.

Video No. 2296


9:22 Exporting and Sharing 3D Viewer Models

Exporting and Sharing 3D Viewer Models

Prepare and export interactive models to the 3D Viewer that can be shared and viewed through direct web links or downloaded to the mobile app.

Video No. 2508


10:16 Using the 3D Viewer Mobile App

Using the 3D Viewer Mobile App

Download 3D Viewer models to the mobile app, use virtual reality to interact with the model, and then adjust different settings available.

Video No. 2509


6:12 Importing 3D Symbols

Importing 3D Symbols

If you can't find a symbol in the library, watch this video to learn how to import additional symbols.

Video No. 2262


6:06 Exporting High Definition Pictures and Transparent Backgrounds in Home Designer Pro

Exporting High Definition Pictures and Transparent Backgrounds in Home Designer Pro

Increase the resolution and quality of the exported pictures of your camera views

Video No. 2321