There are several reasons as to why room labels might not display in a plan, including the Room Type not being defined, the display has been turned off, or the label has been deleted.
Adjusting the visibility of objects is done by using layers. Layers are accessed within the Display Options dialog.
Use the Reference Display tool to reference where walls and other objects may be located on another floor level.
Home Designer offers the option to change the colors used in the plan view for a variety of objects, including CAD, furniture, fixtures, and more. To change the line colors for these objects, access the Display Options dialog.
Labels can be toggled on and off using the Display Options. To adjust the font, size, color, and other properties associated with object labels, access the Default Settings.
Show the sqft measurements instead of the internal room dimensions by toggling layers.
Placing an object on a layer that is currently not displayed in the current view will generate this message.
Each object in the program is assigned to a layer, which can be thought of as a transparency sheet on which objects are drawn, and nearly all views in the program use multiple layers, like stacking transparency sheets together.