Use the instructions in this article to backup Chief Architect content in the event a computer malfunction occurs. Additionally, it's helpful to have this same content backed up so that it can be transferred to another computer.
There isn't a way to convert a digital image into a 3D model in Chief Architect; however, you can use an image or of a floor plan, or a PDF, as a template to trace over.
Learn how to restore your Chief Architect program, and all of your User Content by following the instructions in this resource.
Communicate with AutoCAD users by exporting a .dwg or .dxf file from Home Designer.
Image and PDF files can be imported into a floor plan view by navigating to File> Import> Import Picture or Import PDF. The imported file can then be modified using the object's edit handles, and it can be traced over using the various tools located in your Home Designer software.
One method of sharing your design or plan ideas with someone else is to export a camera or floor plan image.
Missing data from DWG or DXF imports can be a result of version compatibility issues, content that is located in model space vs paper space, external referenced files, and more.
Creating a screenshot is easy to accomplish by following the instructions applicable for your operating system linked here.
Saving a design into a PDF is a common practice. In this article we will show you how you can create a PDF file of your plan.
It is not possible to use .shx fonts in Chief Architect, these fonts are used exclusively by AutoCAD. Chief Architect can make use of .TTF fonts, and .FON fonts.
Import 3D symbols in the following file formats: .obj, .3ds, and .skp formats. Home Designer Pro can also import 3D .dxf files.
Import PDF files directly into a plan file by navigating to File> Import> Import PDF from the menu.
Home Designer makes it easy to import and create custom materials using image files.
Save your Room Planner designs up on the Cloud, then import them into Chief Architect or Home Designer for additional editing.
How to export a camera view to make and view a 360 degree panorama image file.
3D Viewer Models can be viewed directly in a web browser or shared on a social media profile such as Facebook or Twitter, or your own personal website.
Using the Import Drawing Assistant, you can import 2D CAD or terrain/elevation information from a DWG or DXF file.